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Vintage Mechanical Circus

by Gypsy Picture Show  

Experience the Virtual Gallery Tour  
 (beta testing in 2025 - feedback welcome)



To Visit

Press link below, ENTER  and wait for gallery to load (40-60 sec)


For Desktops

Click the TOP RIGHT BUTTON to access the 'Enter Full Screen' tour. Press 'Esc'  on your keyboard to exit at any stage.


For Laptops, iPads, phones etc.

These devices may not tolerate 'Full Screen' mode. If so, you can 'Esc' and tour in the normal screen mode.









First-time Visitors

Press the 'Help' button for navigation tips.


The BOTTOM LEFT BUTTONS <PREV and NEXT> pop up when you click on the first art piece 'Order Out of Chaos'. From there, the NEXT> button provides a smooth guided tour around the venue, start to finish.   


"Dripping with satire & absurdity, "Hail Regina' may be the perfect lockdown read"



A Scalable Production - Theatre Planning  

Designed as a flexible screen and theatrical entertainment offering. The story is presented in a 24 serial-chapter e-novel format. Adapted into a 12 episode, drama for television series and a theatrical stage-play - IP developer inquires welcome. 


George Bernard Shaw published 'Pygmalion' in 1912 and staged it in 1913. But it took until 1938 and 1964 to be adapted to film. Shaw deceased in 1950, six years before there was a successful stage musical (2,717 shows in New York - 2,281 in London ref: Britannica). This illustrates the stoicism required - and the importance of archiving, to extend a work's production potentials over time. 

 93mins |flying musical-comedy (in construction 2023-24)

projected-imagery backdrops with FX|hybrid pantomime 

narrative & spoken storyline|family orientated

hail regina png text copy_edited_edited.

A renaissance show

of aerial mystery& delight




Design: delivery of Digital vs. Live Theatre Specification

Digital: In this era, the ability to film and stream a workshop production on-line, allows concepts to be developed in economical gradients, toward investment decisions. The platform 'Digital Theatre' + 'DT+' demonstrates the interest from on-line audience and drama institutions, in streaming theatre for entertainment and education.


Live: Obviously, this design requires detailed planning, schematics, stage, lighting, audio and aerial rigging configurations etc. This can be delivered in modules (subject to funding constraints) in the time ahead. Interest and advice from designers is welcome, given the skill sets, cost and complexity required.

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