Ganglands Hacker
Season 2
3 Seasons | 12 teleplay episodes
Made for television streaming
dystopian | satire
IP Industry
For screen professional
inquiries -
The series synopsis & scripts are available for Coverfly Industry Members
or by request.
"New Compelling Original Work 'Hail Regina' (Bruegel & Bosch returned)?"
e-novels 2025-2030 | 24 episode-chapters
About the Work
This is Kevin Karmalade's debut series, penned as a vintage-style satire. An essay on the author's making of the work, "Explanatory Note: Transition to Artist" is placed at the end of novel one (Episodes 1-8). The novels do not set out to mirror societal dysfunction - as many past genre works did. Rather, it's a modern take of this style of fiction. Its overt theatrical flamboyance also denotes a different offering compared to traditional works in the utopian-dystopian legacy. Hail Regina is written to entertain above all else. It is family-friendly with 14+ age, mature themes.
Stylistic influences include, 'Gulliver's Travels' by Jonathan Swift (1726), 'The Iron Heel' by Jack London (1907), 'We' by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1920), 'Brave New World' (1932), 'Fahrenheit 451' (1953), Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut (1952) and 'The Children of Men' by P.D. James (1992).